How It Works
Welcome to MySeasideTM

One membership, total healthcare.
Membership at Seaside entitles you to the kind of healthcare we’ve envisioned for all of our patients–the highest
quality, most comprehensive care you can find in the Santa Monica area. We are your advocates for better
healthcare, and it is our vision to provide lasting, meaningful relationships with each and every patient
Why a membership fee?
The MySeaside membership fee is a fee that you pay to receive services that are not covered by most health
insurance products. These are services that we believe to be an integral part of your healthcare.
What your annual fee covers:
Thoughtful, thorough, and
unrushed appointments
Health is a complex,
interconnected thing, and
it’s our firm belief that no
medical appointment
should ever be rushed. All
appointments with your
doctor will be thorough
and will give you all the
time you need to discuss
the reason for your visit.
Extended telephone or email
consultation with your physician with
or without a related face-to-face
encounter. This works great for medication adjustments, interpretation
of diagnostic tests, arrangement of
consultations with specialists, followup of an existing problem, a family
conversation when facing difficult
decisions, or just answering questions
about your care.
Stay up to date
We strive to use the latest
technological advances
for both clinical care and
organizational efficiency.
Your annual fee allows us
to make all of our patient
interactions as efficient
and meaningful as